Awaken your spiritual gifts

Question for the Lady of the Sun

I would like to ask about our dormant gifts … I have been feeling for some time that many of us have abilities which can be accessed as we raise our vibrations. Is this the case …?

Within all of you lies the ability to do so many wondrous things that you can hardly imagine. At this point in time, most of you only use a very small portion of your brain’s capacity to process information. You have learned to rely on 5 senses when in fact you are wired for 5×5 and more. To explain this now would be beyond you comprehension, so I will start with a simple explanation.

Look around at what some of your famous psychics, intuitives, channelers and other such gifted beings are able to do. You are all physically wired to do what they do. Your body and brain capacity is the same for most of you, with a few exceptions of those who came in choosing to limit their brain functions. Know that this is only a very, very small part of your population for whom this the case.

If it is possible for one man, or woman, it is possible for all with the exception I just noted. I will address those of you who do not have the aforementioned limitations.

You can hear beings in spirit speak to you. You can see into other realms of existence. You can know many things by just tuning into the correct frequency. You can do these things and more.

It’s not so much about raising your frequency, but that can help. Energy vibrations and your level of spiritual connection can be affected by things like your diet, your practice of meditation and taking care of your physical body. These will indeed help, but the main block for almost all of you is only a thought.

With so much emphasis these days on the Law of Attraction, it is surprising that so few of you have come to realize that your ability to connect to the energy of spirit is the same as your ability to connect to the energy of money. Energy is energy, it just takes different forms. When you truly believe and affirm and hold on to the joy of having abundance, abundance comes to you in the form of money if this is what you so choose.

It works the same with connecting to the spiritual realms. If you hold the intention, the belief and the joy of being in touch with your own innate gifts, this too will manifest in your life. Your main block really starts with your thoughts.

If you think you can’t hear us, then you’re right. if you think you can’t see other realms, then you’re right. If you think you can’t sense or know or connect with beings in spirit, guess what? You are right.

So if you want to wake up your gifts, first decide what you want. Set your intention. Believe that you are able to do what others can do and more. Ask your guides and angels for help. Watch for the messages that are sent to you and take action as you feel guided. And feel the joy of having these gifts awake in you.

And, to mention one other common roadblock to awakening you true abilities – it is doubt. We send you a message and you don’t really believe it came from spirit. We guide you to the perfect book or resource and you call it coincidence, not a message from your guides. You hear someone say exactly what you need to hear at exactly the right time, and you brush it aside as happenstance without acknowledging that beings in spirit speak to you in many, many ways.

We are always sending you messages, the issue is that you are not always open to receive them. Once you truly open yourself to your own potential and trust that we are really communicating with you, your life will change. That we guarantee.

So in summary. You do have many, many dormant gifts and abilities. Change how you think and these gifts will awaken. Trust that you all do have these abilities and start to pay attention. And, have fun with it all. Make this journey of discovery a game and not a difficult challenge, for it is meant to be joyful and full of light.

And remember, I love you – LOTS!

6 Responses to Awaken your spiritual gifts

  1. Steve says:

    Wow, I am really resonating with the Lady of the Sun messages! Thank you, Sheryl, for your dedication in bringing her words forth!

  2. sheryl says:

    The impression I was getting as I wrote this message was children with a disability who had limited use of language and ability to communicate with others. There are also some people who experience other kinds of serious brain damage from illness or accidents. This is my understanding of what this means.

  3. matarikidimension says:

    I asked that question at the time because I was hearing so many whispers … `you can do this’ … and such 🙂
    I have always heard THE VOICE but recently there have been so so many messages.
    Have you seen that movie The Last Mimsy …? There is a part when the little boy is communicating with the spider … it is pretty much like that for me a lot of the time. It is wonderful …. there is so much information from so many places and the biggest message that I am receiving is that this is available to everyone if we open our hearts.
    Thanks Sheryl for helping me to come out of hiding and share the messages.



  4. sheryl says:

    WOW! Just what I needed to hear today.

  5. matarikidimension says:

    Many thanks for this message Sheryl

    It is an exciting time … a magical journey 🙂



    • leah says:

      i was wondering if you could explain more on this,

      “with a few exceptions of those who came in choosing to limit their brain functions. Know that this is only a very, very small part of your population for whom this the case.”

      there was never more on these people?

      thank you 🙂

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