Happy day!

I’m really enjoying feeling well these days. I forgot how wonderful it is to have energy and enthusiasm for life. I’ve even been cleaning my house. That is a major improvement and a true sign that I’m on the mend. I am so grateful for all of the help and support I’ve gotten over the past year and the amazing healers that I have been guided to work with.

While I am feeling so much better, it feels like my guides are nowhere to be found lately. The usual chatter of spirit beings is strangely absent right now. Not entirely sure why, but expect there is a reason for this to be happening right now.

The downside of this is that it is difficult to “hear” messages right now so have not had any to post for the past few weeks. I’ve also told a few people that I would pass along messages and want you to know that I have not forgotten, I just am not able to do this right now.

But not to worry. I’ve had this happen many times in the past and it usually is a time when I am going through some kind of energy shift which then allows me to have stronger and/or different connections.

And my news, I finally know what direction my new work will be taking me and what my specialty will be – for now at least. I’m developing a system to guide people from doing work that is unfulfilling and into work that is on purpose. This included identifying and removing blocks and restrictions, learning about your life purpose, life lesson and such, connecting with your inner guidance and developing a transition plan. I’m calling this system “From burnout to brilliance” and I will offer all of these component separately.

I’m still learning new skills and techniques and am really enjoying being a student for a while. If you’re waiting for a soul realignment report, be assured that I have not forgotten. I’ve completed the course and am now working my way through readings for the practice clients.

Just taking every day as it comes and enjoying life! It’s like a miracle.

Blessings, sheryl

2 Responses to Happy day!

  1. Rosana says:

    How wonderful Sheryl 🙂
    Your postings are very much appreciated.
    Love and Light

  2. Sheryl,

    So glad you’re feeling better these days. It seems that cleaning and decluttering is a theme. It’s what I was guided to begin doing around Memorial Day, and like you I haven’t had a developed enough thought to create a post. Lots of flashes of insight, just not fully developed.

    So regardless of the exact method by which we receive our guidance, it still seems like the volume is turned down right now…with an occasional “testing, testing…” chiming through without much more than that.

    Ah well, I was ready for a new and improved sound system anyway 😉

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